
class UFDCombineFeaturesMapModel(config)[source]

The UFD Combine Features Map Model used for unsupervised training for global to domain mapping.

This method inherits from UFDCombineFeaturesMapPreTrainedModel for weights initalization and utility functions from transformer PreTrainedModel class.


config (UFDCombineFeaturesMapConfig) – Model configuration class with all parameters required for the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Use the from_pretrained method to load the model weights.

forward(input: torch.FloatTensor)torch.FloatTensor[source]

( (input) – ob:’torch.FloatTensor’ of shape :obj:’(batch_size, feature_size_of_both_adaptor_global_and_domain)’: concatenated features from both adaptor global and adaptor domain models.