
get_all_evidence_utterance_from_conversation(emotion: str, conversation_history: List[str])Dict[str, List[str]][source]

Iterate through a conversation history to let each utterance be the evidence utterance. The last utterance is treated as the target utterance. Ouput dictionary is in a format which can be used with RecconSpanExtractionPreprocessor

  • emotion (str) – Emotion of the target utterance

  • conversation_history (List[str]) – List of utterance in a conversation. The last utterance is used as the target utterance.


Dictionary in a format that can be used with RecconSpanExtractionPreprocessor

The dictionary looks like this: {‘emotion’: [‘happiness’], ‘target_utterance’: [‘……’], ‘evidence_utterance’: [‘……’], ‘conversation_history’: [‘……’]}

Return type

Dict[str, List[str]]