Source code for sgnlp.models.rumour_detection_twitter.modules.submodules.word_module

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

import numpy as np

from ..transformer import transformer

__author__ = "Serena Khoo"

[docs]class WordModule(nn.Module): @staticmethod def init_weights(layer): if type(layer) == nn.Linear: nn.init.xavier_normal_(layer.weight) def __init__(self, config): super(WordModule, self).__init__() # <----------- Config -----------> self.config = config if config.word_module_version in [2, 3, 4]: # <----------- Word Level Transformer -----------> self.transformer_word = transformer.Transformer( self.config, self.config.n_mha_layers_word, self.config.d_model, self.config.n_head_word, ) # <----------- Embedding the words through n FC layers (word level) -----------> if self.config.ff_word: self.emb_layer_word = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Linear(self.config.emb_dim, self.config.emb_dim) for _ in range(self.config.num_emb_layers_word) ] ) if config.word_module_version == 4: # <----------- To map each post vector to a scalar -----------> self.condense_layer_word = nn.Linear(self.config.d_model, 1) # <----------- Droutput for regularization -----------> self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=self.config.dropout_rate, inplace=True) # <----------- Initialization of weights -----------> if self.config.ff_word: self.emb_layer_word.apply(WordModule.init_weights) if config.word_module_version == 4: self.condense_layer_word.apply(WordModule.init_weights)
[docs] def forward(self, X, word_pos, attention_mask=None): # <----------- Getting the dimensions -----------> batch_size, num_posts, num_words, emb_dim = X.shape # <----------- Passing X with n number of FC layers (word level), set on/off in config -----------> if self.config.ff_word: for i in range(self.config.num_emb_layers_word): X = self.emb_layer_word[i](X) # <----------- Adding in the position information -----------> X += word_pos # <----------- Setting the query, key and val -----------> query_word = X key_word = X val_word = X # <----------- Dropout -----------> self.dropout(query_word) self.dropout(key_word) self.dropout(val_word) # <----------- Clearing some memory -----------> del X torch.cuda.empty_cache() if self.config.word_module_version in [2, 3, 4]: # <----------- Passing through word level transformer (Not keeping the attention values for now) -----------> X_word, self_atten_weights_dict_word = self.transformer_word( query_word, key_word, val_word, attention_mask=attention_mask ) else: X_word = query_word self_atten_weights_dict_word = {} # # <----------- Adding dropout to X_word -----------> # self.dropout(X_word) # <----------- Baseline (Without self attention)- 1: Max pooling of X (No self attention) -----------> if self.config.word_module_version == 0: X_word = query_word.view(-1, num_words, emb_dim) X_word = X_word.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() X_word = F.adaptive_max_pool1d(X_word, 1).squeeze(-1) X_word = X_word.view(batch_size, num_posts, emb_dim) # <----------- Baseline (Without self attention) - 2: Average pooling of X (No self attention) -----------> if self.config.word_module_version == 1: X_word = query_word.view(-1, num_words, emb_dim) X_word = X_word.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() X_word = F.adaptive_avg_pool1d(X_word, 1).squeeze(-1) X_word = X_word.view(batch_size, num_posts, emb_dim) # <----------- Improvement made: TO PERFORM SELF ATTENTION FOR WORDS! -----------> # <----------- Baseline (With self attention): Max pooling to get the most important words per post -----------> if self.config.word_module_version == 2: X_word = X_word.view(-1, num_words, emb_dim) X_word = X_word.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() X_word = F.adaptive_max_pool1d(X_word, 1).squeeze(-1) X_word = X_word.view(batch_size, num_posts, emb_dim) # <----------- Baseline (With self attention): Average pooling to get the most important words per post -----------> if self.config.word_module_version == 3: X_word = X_word.view(-1, num_words, emb_dim) X_word = X_word.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() X_word = F.adaptive_avg_pool1d(X_word, 1).squeeze(-1) X_word = X_word.view(batch_size, num_posts, emb_dim) # <----------- Improvement 1 (With self attention): Attention to get important word embedding -----------> if self.config.word_module_version == 4: attention_mask += -1.0 attention_mask *= 100000.0 words_attention_values = self.condense_layer_word(X_word) words_attention_weights = F.softmax( words_attention_values.permute(0, 1, 3, 2) + attention_mask.unsqueeze(-2), dim=-1, ) del attention_mask del words_attention_values torch.cuda.empty_cache() X_word = torch.matmul(words_attention_weights, X_word).squeeze(-2) return X_word, self_atten_weights_dict_word