Source code for sgnlp.models.lsr.preprocess

import os
import json
import copy
import spacy
import torch
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import add

from . import LsrConfig
from .modules.bert import Bert
from .utils import h_t_idx_generator, get_default_device, join_document

[docs]class LsrPreprocessor: """Class for preprocessing a DocRED-like data batch to a tensor batch for LsrModel to predict on.""" def __init__( self, rel2id_path: str, word2id_path: str, ner2id_path: str, output_file_prefix: str = "dev", output_dir: str = None, config: LsrConfig = None, max_node_num: int = 200, max_node_per_sent: int = 40, max_sent_num: int = 30, max_sent_len: int = 200, max_entity_num: int = 100, h_t_limit: int = 1800, is_train: bool = False, device=None, ): # Load mappings self.rel2id = json.load(open(rel2id_path)) self.word2id = json.load(open(word2id_path)) self.ner2id = json.load(open(ner2id_path)) self.output_file_prefix = output_file_prefix self.output_dir = output_dir self.config = config if config else LsrConfig() self.max_length = self.config.max_length self.num_relations = self.config.num_relations self.use_bert = self.config.use_bert self.max_node_num = max_node_num self.max_node_per_sent = max_node_per_sent self.max_sent_num = max_sent_num self.max_sent_len = max_sent_len self.max_entity_num = max_entity_num self.h_t_limit = h_t_limit self.is_train = is_train self.device = device if device else get_default_device() # Load spacy model self.nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # Load Bert if needed if self.use_bert: self.bert = Bert("bert-base-uncased") # Build dis2idx self.dis2idx = self._get_dis2idx()
[docs] def __call__(self, data_batch, save_output=False): np_vectors = self.get_numpy_vectors(data_batch, save_output) tensor_batch = self.get_tensor_batch(np_vectors) return tensor_batch
def get_numpy_vectors(self, data_batch, save_output=False): mdp_vectors = self.get_mdp_vectors(data_batch) sentence_vectors = self.get_sentence_vectors(mdp_vectors["data"]) np_vectors = {**mdp_vectors, **sentence_vectors} if self.use_bert: bert_vectors = self.get_bert_vectors(data_batch) np_vectors = {**np_vectors, **bert_vectors} if save_output: self.save_preprocessed_data(np_vectors) return np_vectors def get_sentence_vectors(self, data_batch): # Process for sentences batch_size = len(data_batch) sen_word = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int64) sen_pos = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int16) sen_ner = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int16) sen_seg = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int16) for i, data_instance in enumerate(data_batch): words = [] sen_seg[i][0] = 1 for sent in data_instance["sents"]: words += sent sen_seg[i][len(words) - 1] = 1 for j, word in enumerate(words): word = word.lower() if j < self.max_length: if word in self.word2id: sen_word[i][j] = self.word2id[word] else: sen_word[i][j] = self.word2id["UNK"] if sen_word[i][j] < 0: raise ValueError("the id should not be negative") # Fill remaining vector with blank token id for j in range(j + 1, self.max_length): sen_word[i][j] = self.word2id["BLANK"] vertex_set = data_instance["vertexSet"] for idx, vertex in enumerate(vertex_set, 1): for v in vertex: sen_pos[i][v["pos"][0] : v["pos"][1]] = idx ner_type_B = self.ner2id[v["type"]] ner_type_I = ner_type_B + 1 sen_ner[i][v["pos"][0]] = ner_type_B sen_ner[i][v["pos"][0] + 1 : v["pos"][1]] = ner_type_I return {"word": sen_word, "pos": sen_pos, "ner": sen_ner, "seg": sen_seg} def get_bert_vectors(self, data_batch): batch_size = len(data_batch) bert_token = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int64) bert_mask = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int64) bert_starts = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_length), dtype=np.int64) for i, data_instance in enumerate(data_batch): ( bert_token[i], bert_mask[i], bert_starts[i], ) = self.bert.subword_tokenize_to_ids(join_document(data_instance)) return { "bert_token": bert_token, "bert_mask": bert_mask, "bert_starts": bert_starts, } def get_mdp_vectors(self, data_batch): data = [] batch_size = len(data_batch) node_position = np.zeros( (batch_size, self.max_node_num, self.max_length), dtype=np.int16 ) node_sent_num = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_sent_num), dtype=np.int16) node_num = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype=np.int16) entity_position = np.zeros( (batch_size, self.max_entity_num, self.max_length), dtype=np.int16 ) sdp_position = np.zeros( (batch_size, self.max_entity_num, self.max_length), dtype=np.int16 ) sdp_num = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype=np.int16) for i, data_instance in enumerate(data_batch): sentence_start_idx = [0] sentence_start_idx_counter = 0 for sent in data_instance["sents"]: sentence_start_idx_counter += len(sent) sentence_start_idx.append(sentence_start_idx_counter) node_num[i] = self.get_node_position( data_instance, node_position[i], node_sent_num[i], entity_position[i], sentence_start_idx, ) self.extract_mdp_node( data_instance, sdp_position[i], sdp_num[i], sentence_start_idx ) vertex_set = copy.deepcopy(data_instance["vertexSet"]) # point position added with sent start position for j in range(len(vertex_set)): for k in range(len(vertex_set[j])): vertex_set[j][k]["sent_id"] = int(vertex_set[j][k]["sent_id"]) sent_id = vertex_set[j][k]["sent_id"] dl = sentence_start_idx[sent_id] pos1 = vertex_set[j][k]["pos"][0] pos2 = vertex_set[j][k]["pos"][1] vertex_set[j][k]["pos"] = [pos1 + dl, pos2 + dl] item = {"vertexSet": vertex_set} labels = data_instance.get("labels", []) train_triple = set() new_labels = [] for label in labels: label["r"] = self.rel2id[label["r"]] # Replace with id train_triple.add((label["h"], label["t"])) new_labels.append(label) item["labels"] = new_labels na_triple = [] for h, t in h_t_idx_generator(len(vertex_set)): if (h, t) not in train_triple: na_triple.append((h, t)) item["na_triple"] = na_triple item["Ls"] = sentence_start_idx item["sents"] = data_instance["sents"] data.append(item) return { "data": data, "node_position": node_position, "node_num": node_num, "node_sent_num": node_sent_num, "entity_position": entity_position, "sdp_position": sdp_position, "sdp_num": sdp_num, } def get_node_position( self, data, node_position, node_sent_num, entity_position, sentence_start_idx ): nodes = [[] for _ in range(len(data["sents"]))] nodes_sent = [[] for _ in range(len(data["sents"]))] for ns_no, ns in enumerate(data["vertexSet"]): for n in ns: sent_id = int(n["sent_id"]) doc_pos_s = n["pos"][0] + sentence_start_idx[sent_id] doc_pos_e = n["pos"][1] + sentence_start_idx[sent_id] assert doc_pos_e <= sentence_start_idx[-1] nodes[sent_id].append([sent_id] + [ns_no] + [doc_pos_s, doc_pos_e]) nodes_sent[sent_id].append([sent_id] + n["pos"]) id = 0 for ns in nodes: for n in ns: n.insert(0, id) # Adds an index to the start of each node id += 1 assert id <= self.max_node_num entity_num = len(data["vertexSet"]) # generate entities(nodes) mask for document for ns in nodes: for n in ns: node_position[n[0]][ n[3] : n[4] ] = 1 # n[0] refers to the index added in the above loop # generate entities(nodes) mask for sentences in a document for sent_no, ns in enumerate(nodes_sent): assert len(ns) < self.max_node_per_sent node_sent_num[sent_no] = len(ns) # entity matrices for e_no, es in enumerate(data["vertexSet"]): for e in es: sent_id = int(e["sent_id"]) doc_pos_s = e["pos"][0] + sentence_start_idx[sent_id] doc_pos_e = e["pos"][1] + sentence_start_idx[sent_id] entity_position[e_no][doc_pos_s:doc_pos_e] = 1 total_mentions = id total_num_nodes = total_mentions + entity_num assert total_num_nodes <= self.max_node_num return total_mentions # only mentions
[docs] def extract_mdp_node(self, data, sdp_pos, sdp_num, sentence_start_idx): """Extract meta dependency paths (MDP) node for each document""" sents = data["sents"] nodes = [[] for _ in range(len(data["sents"]))] sdp_lists = [] # create mention's list for each sentence for ns_no, ns in enumerate(data["vertexSet"]): for n in ns: sent_id = int(n["sent_id"]) nodes[sent_id].append(n["pos"]) for sent_no in range(len(sents)): spacy_sent = self.nlp(" ".join(sents[sent_no])) edges = [] if len(spacy_sent) != len(sents[sent_no]): sdp_lists.append([]) continue # make sure the length of sentence parsed by spacy is the same as original sentence. for token in spacy_sent: for child in token.children: edges.append(("{0}".format(token.i), "{0}".format(child.i))) graph = nx.Graph(edges) # Get the length and path mention_num = len(nodes[sent_no]) sdp_list = [] # get the shortest dependency path of all mentions in a sentence entity_indices = [] for m_i in range(mention_num): # m_i is the mention number indices_i = [ nodes[sent_no][m_i][0] + offset for offset in range(nodes[sent_no][m_i][1] - nodes[sent_no][m_i][0]) ] entity_indices = entity_indices + indices_i for m_j in range(mention_num): # if m_i == m_j: continue indices_j = [ nodes[sent_no][m_j][0] + offset for offset in range( nodes[sent_no][m_j][1] - nodes[sent_no][m_j][0] ) ] for index_i in indices_i: for index_j in indices_j: try: sdp_path = nx.shortest_path( graph, source="{0}".format(index_i), target="{0}".format(index_j), ) except (nx.NetworkXNoPath, nx.NodeNotFound): continue sdp_list.append(sdp_path) # get the sdp indices in a sentence sdp_nodes_flat = [sdp for sub_sdp in sdp_list for sdp in sub_sdp] entity_set = set(entity_indices) sdp_nodes_set = set(sdp_nodes_flat) # minus the entity node sdp_list = list(set([int(n) for n in sdp_nodes_set]) - entity_set) sdp_list.sort() sdp_lists.append(sdp_list) # calculate the sdp position in a document if len(sents) != len(sdp_lists): print("len mismatch") for i in range(len(sents)): if len(sdp_lists[i]) == 0: continue for j, sdp in enumerate(sdp_lists[i]): if j > len(sdp_lists[i]) - 1: print("list index out of range") sdp_lists[i][j] = sdp + sentence_start_idx[i] flat_sdp = [sdp for sub_sdp in sdp_lists for sdp in sub_sdp] # set the sdp position as 1. for example, if the sdp_pos size is 100 X 512, # then we will set the value in each row as 1 according to flat_sdp[i] for i in range(len(flat_sdp)): if i > self.max_entity_num - 1: continue sdp_pos[i][flat_sdp[i]] = 1 sdp_num[0] = len(flat_sdp)
def save_preprocessed_data(self, preprocessed_data): for key, value in preprocessed_data.items(): if key == "data": json.dump( value, open( os.path.join( self.output_dir, self.output_file_prefix + ".json" ), "w", ), ) else: os.path.join( self.output_dir, self.output_file_prefix + f"_{key}.npy" ), value, ) def _get_dis2idx(self): """Used to categorize distance between head-to-tail and tail-to-head entities.""" dis2idx = np.zeros(self.max_length, dtype="int64") dis2idx[1] = 1 dis2idx[2:] = 2 dis2idx[4:] = 3 dis2idx[8:] = 4 dis2idx[16:] = 5 dis2idx[32:] = 6 dis2idx[64:] = 7 dis2idx[128:] = 8 dis2idx[256:] = 9 return dis2idx def get_tensor_batch(self, np_vectors): batch_size = len(np_vectors["data"]) # Init tensors h_mapping = torch.zeros( batch_size, self.h_t_limit, self.max_length, device=self.device ) t_mapping = torch.zeros( batch_size, self.h_t_limit, self.max_length, device=self.device ) relation_mask = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.h_t_limit, device=self.device) ht_pair_pos = torch.zeros( batch_size, self.h_t_limit, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) if self.use_bert: context_idxs = torch.tensor( np_vectors["bert_token"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) context_masks = torch.tensor( np_vectors["bert_mask"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) context_starts = torch.tensor( np_vectors["bert_starts"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) else: context_idxs = torch.tensor( np_vectors["word"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) context_pos = torch.tensor( np_vectors["pos"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) context_ner = torch.tensor( np_vectors["ner"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) context_seg = torch.tensor( np_vectors["seg"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) node_position = torch.tensor( np_vectors["node_position"], dtype=torch.float, device=self.device ) node_sent_num = torch.tensor( np_vectors["node_sent_num"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) node_num = torch.tensor( np_vectors["node_num"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) entity_position = torch.tensor( np_vectors["entity_position"], dtype=torch.float, device=self.device ) sdp_position = torch.tensor( np_vectors["sdp_position"], dtype=torch.float, device=self.device ) # Flattens a nested list. sdp_num = torch.tensor( np_vectors["sdp_num"], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ).flatten() sdp_num = sdp_num.clamp(max=self.max_entity_num).tolist() if self.is_train: relation_multi_label = torch.zeros( batch_size, self.h_t_limit, self.num_relations ).to(device=self.device) max_h_t_cnt = 0 entity_num = [] sentence_num = [] node_num_per_sent = [] labels = [] for i in range(batch_size): instance = np_vectors["data"][i] entity_num.append(len(instance["vertexSet"])) sentence_num.append(len(instance["sents"])) node_num_per_sent.append(max(node_sent_num[i].tolist())) if self.is_train: ht_idx2label_idx = defaultdict(list) for label in instance["labels"]: ht_idx2label_idx[(label["h"], label["t"])].append(label["r"]) vertex_set_length = len(instance["vertexSet"]) if vertex_set_length > 1: # Need at least 2 entities to have relations for j, (h_idx, t_idx) in enumerate( h_t_idx_generator(vertex_set_length) ): hlist = instance["vertexSet"][h_idx] tlist = instance["vertexSet"][t_idx] for h in hlist: h_mapping[i, j, h["pos"][0] : h["pos"][1]] = ( 1.0 / len(hlist) / (h["pos"][1] - h["pos"][0]) ) for t in tlist: t_mapping[i, j, t["pos"][0] : t["pos"][1]] = ( 1.0 / len(tlist) / (t["pos"][1] - t["pos"][0]) ) relation_mask[i, j] = 1 delta_dis = hlist[0]["pos"][0] - tlist[0]["pos"][0] if delta_dis < 0: ht_pair_pos[i, j] = -int(self.dis2idx[-delta_dis]) else: ht_pair_pos[i, j] = int(self.dis2idx[delta_dis]) if self.is_train: # Fill relation labels relation_indices = ht_idx2label_idx[(h_idx, t_idx)] for r_idx in relation_indices: relation_multi_label[i, j, r_idx] = 1 max_h_t_cnt = max( max_h_t_cnt, j + 1 ) # Because j is 0-based index, + 1 to get actual count # Labels for calculating metrics # Modified from original # Original stored a boolean value of whether the fact is found in training data label_set = set() for label in instance["labels"]: label_set.add((label["h"], label["t"], label["r"])) labels.append(label_set) input_lengths = (context_idxs > 0).sum(dim=1) max_c_len = int(input_lengths.max()) # max length of a document entity_mention_num = list(map(add, entity_num, node_num.squeeze(1).tolist())) max_sdp_num = max(sdp_num) max_entity_num = max(entity_num) max_sentence_num = max(sentence_num) b_max_mention_num = int(node_num.max()) all_node_num = torch.LongTensor(list(map(add, sdp_num, entity_mention_num))) dis_h_2_t = ht_pair_pos + 10 dis_t_2_h = -ht_pair_pos + 10 tensor_batch = { "context_idxs": context_idxs[:, :max_c_len], "context_pos": context_pos[:, :max_c_len], "context_ner": context_ner[:, :max_c_len], "h_mapping": h_mapping[:, :max_h_t_cnt, :max_c_len], "t_mapping": t_mapping[:, :max_h_t_cnt, :max_c_len], "relation_mask": relation_mask[:, :max_h_t_cnt], "dis_h_2_t": dis_h_2_t[:, :max_h_t_cnt], "dis_t_2_h": dis_t_2_h[:, :max_h_t_cnt], "context_seg": context_seg[:, :max_c_len], "node_position": node_position[:, :b_max_mention_num, :max_c_len], "entity_position": entity_position[:, :max_entity_num, :max_c_len], "node_sent_num": node_sent_num[:, :max_sentence_num], "all_node_num": all_node_num, "entity_num_list": entity_num, "sdp_position": sdp_position[:, :max_sdp_num, :max_c_len], "sdp_num_list": sdp_num, "labels": labels, # used by metrics only } if self.use_bert: tensor_batch["context_masks"] = context_masks[:, :max_c_len] tensor_batch["context_starts"] = context_starts[:, :max_c_len] if self.is_train: tensor_batch["relation_multi_label"] = relation_multi_label[:, :max_h_t_cnt] return tensor_batch