Source code for sgnlp.models.lsr.postprocess

"""Functionality for postprocessing :class:`~sgnlp.models.lsr.modeling.LsrModelOutput`"""

import json
import numpy as np
from torch import sigmoid
from .utils import idx2ht

[docs]class LsrPostprocessor: """This class processes :class:`~sgnlp.models.lsr.modeling.LsrModelOutput` to a readable format. Args: rel2id (:obj:`dict`): Relation to id mapping. rel_info (:obj:`dict`): Relation to description mapping. pred_threshold (:obj:`float`, `optional`, defaults to 0.3): Threshold for relation prediction to be returned. """ def __init__(self, rel2id: dict, rel_info: dict, pred_threshold: float = 0.3): self.rel2id = rel2id self.id2rel = {v: k for k, v in self.rel2id.items()} self.rel_info = rel_info self.pred_threshold = pred_threshold
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file_paths( rel2id_path: str, rel_info_path: str, pred_threshold: float = 0.3 ): """Constructs LsrPostprocessor from relevant DocRED files. Args: rel2id_path (:obj:`str`): Path to relation to id mapping file. rel_info_path (:obj:`str`): Path to relation info file. This is a mapping from relation to relation description. pred_threshold (:obj:`float`, `optional`, defaults to 0.3): Threshold for relation prediction to be returned. Returns: postprocessor (:class:`~sgnlp.models.lsr.postprocess.LsrPostprocessor`) """ rel2id = json.load(open(rel2id_path)) rel_info = json.load(open(rel_info_path)) rel_info["Na"] = "No relation" return LsrPostprocessor(rel2id, rel_info, pred_threshold)
[docs] def __call__(self, prediction, data): """ Args: prediction (:class:`torch.FloatTensor`): Prediction of :class:`~sgnlp.models.lsr.modeling.LsrModelOutput`. data: DocRED-like data that was used as input in preprocessing step. Returns: List of dictionary that includes the document, the entity clusters found in the document, and the predicted relations between the entity clusters. """ output = [] for prediction_instance, data_instance in zip(prediction, data): document = [ item for sublist in data_instance["sents"] for item in sublist ] # Flatten nested list tokens num_entities = len(data_instance["vertexSet"]) total_relation_combinations = num_entities * (num_entities - 1) pred = sigmoid(prediction_instance).data.cpu().numpy() pred = pred[:total_relation_combinations] above_threshold_indices = zip(*np.where(pred > self.pred_threshold)) relations = [] for h_t_idx, rel_idx in above_threshold_indices: h_idx, t_idx = idx2ht(h_t_idx, num_entities) rel_description = self.rel_info[self.id2rel[rel_idx]] # Typecasts are to allow JSON serializable (Numpy types generally not json serializable by default) relations.append( { "score": float(pred[h_t_idx, rel_idx]), "relation": rel_description, "object_idx": int(h_idx), "subject_idx": int(t_idx), } ) # Compute sentence start indices sentence_start_idx = [0] sentence_start_idx_counter = 0 for sent in data_instance["sents"]: sentence_start_idx_counter += len(sent) sentence_start_idx.append(sentence_start_idx_counter) clusters = [] for vertex_set in data_instance["vertexSet"]: cluster = [] for entity in vertex_set: sent_id = entity["sent_id"] # sent_id that entity appears in pos_adjustment = sentence_start_idx[sent_id] # start idx of sent pos = list(entity["pos"]) pos = [ pos[0] + pos_adjustment, pos[1] + pos_adjustment, ] # adjust pos by adding start of sentence idx cluster.append(pos) clusters.append(cluster) output.append( {"clusters": clusters, "document": document, "relations": relations} ) return output